The presence of
dream and illusion in our lives are a current theme in
philosophical and literary thought. In its most radical
presentation, this concept proclaims that men live immersed in
dreams and illusion.
Behold! Human beings live in an underground cave. (…) They only
see their own shadows, or the shadows of one another, which the
fire throws on the opposite wall of the cave.
Plato, 428-347 b.C., Greek
philosopher, in The Republic
Castles in the air – they are so easy to take refuge in. and
easy to build, too.
Henrik Ibsen, 1826-1906,
Norwegian writer, The Master Builder
We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep…
William Shakespeare,
1564-1616, English writer, The Tempest
A man that is born falls into a dream like a man who falls into
the sea.
Joseph Conrad, 1857-1924,
Anglo-polish writer, Lord Jim
What is life? An illusion, a dream, a fiction, and the biggest
well is small, because all life is a dream, and the dreams,
themselves are only dreams.
Calderon de La Barca,
1600-1681, Spanish writer, Life is a Dream
In the night that brings the sleep, the dreams laugh of us,
wandering in front of our eyes.
Petronius, I Century b. C.,
Roman writer, Satyricon
Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?
Alfred Lord Tennyson,
1802-1809, English poet, The Higher Pantheism.
Those who compared our lives to a dream have more reason than
they thought.
Montaigne, 1533-1592,
French writer and philosopher, Essays
Meaning of life; Illusion and conscience
Some thinkers,
mainly modern and contemporary, defend that man can’t dispense
with illusion. It is part of human nature, and is a way of
escaping from the difficult side of life, from the suffering and
lack of meaning present in our deeper existence. Life demands
the dream. Man can’t tolerate the inner side of reality.
What men do when awake they do when asleep.
Heraclitus, 540-480 b. C.,
Greek philosopher, Fragments
A mere trifle consoles us, for a mere trifle distresses us.
B. Pascal, 1623-1662,
French philosopher, physic and
mathematician, Thoughts
The Human species does not tolerate too much reality.
T. S. Eliot, 1888-1965,
Anglo-American writer, in E. Morin Method V
Men have always fought reality with all their strengths.
Jean Servier, French writer,
in E. Morin Method V
Take the life-lie away from the average man and straight away
you take away his happiness.
Henrik Ibsen, 1826-1906,
Norwegian writer, The Wild Duck
To man, as important as the technique is the creation of an
imaginary world and the fabulous proliferation of myths, beliefs
and religions.
E. Morin, French
philosopher and sociologist, Method V
There exists a universal propensity to believe in ghosts and
spirits, to believe in sorcery and, yet more frequently, in the
efficacy of magic and sacrifices.
E. Morin, French
philosopher and sociologist, Method V
The illusion occurs throughout history, in all societies and all
individuals. All spirits, as soon as they get out of a
disillusion, are ready to fall into another one.
E. Morin, French
philosopher and sociologist, Method V
The archaic lived in a world inhabited with spirits,
supernatural beings, fabulous legends, chimeras, miracles.
Dreams were part of reality.
E. Morin, French
philosopher and sociologist, Method V
The myth fortifies man, because it hides from him the
incomprehensibility of his destiny and because it fills up the
nothingness of death.
E. Morin, French
philosopher and sociologist, Method V
Illusion and conscience
See also:
Human beings and human condition
Life quotes - Existential
The dreams and
our imagination give meaning to life, though most of the times
dreams are just what they are: just dreams.
Blessings on him who invented sleep, the mantle that covers all
human thoughts, the food that satisfies hunger, the drink that
slakes thirst, the fire that warms cold, the cold that moderates
heat, and, lastly, the common currency that buys all things, the
balance and weight that equalizes the shepherd and the king, the
simpleton and the sage.
M. Cervantes, 1547-1616,
Spanish writer, Don Quixote
Only in men’s imagination does every truth find an effective and
undeniable existence. Imagination is the supreme master of art,
as of life.
Joseph Conrad, 1857-1924,
Anglo-polish writer, Some reminiscences
A man is always a storyteller; he tries to see his life as if he
were telling it. But one has to choose: to live or to tell"
Jean Paul Sartre,
1905-1980, French philosopher and writer, The nausea
I had a dream, which was not all a dream…
Lord Byron, 1788-1824,
English poet, Darkness
When I play with my cat, who knows whether she is not amusing
herself with me more than I with her.
Montaigne, 1533-1592,
French writer, Essais
Do what you will this life's a fiction
And is made up of contradiction.
William Blake, 1757-1827,
English writer, Gnomic Verses
Once, I, Chang Tzu, dreamed that I was a butterfly and was happy
as a butterfly. I was conscious that I was quite pleased with
myself but I did not know that I was Tzu. Suddenly I awoke and
there I was, visible Tzu. I do not know whether it was Tzu
dreaming that he was a butterfly or the butterfly dreaming that
it was Tzu.
Chang-Tzu, século III ou II
a.C., Chinese taoist philosopher, Book of Chang-Tzu
Illusion and conscience
See also:
Is life meaningful?
Science and meaning
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